When deciding to end a marriage, there are a host of decisions from equitable distribution to custody and timesharing. While this process is commonly drawn out and incredibly complicated, more couples are turning towards uncontested divorce. uncontested divorce involves couples that are able to reach an agreement on all separation issues such as spousal support, […]
Top 15 Tampa Military Divorce Mistakes (Part 8)
Counting Down to #14 Military Divorce Mistakes In “Part 7” of Military Divorce Mistakes, I talked about insuring the pension in case the member dies. If you or your spouse is a military member please do not use this brief summary as an advice guide. Every case is different. Seek the advice of an experienced […]
Top 15 Tampa Military Divorce Mistakes (Part 7)
Counting Down to #12 & # 13 Military Divorce Mistakes In “Part 6” of Military Divorce Mistakes, I talked about retaining more than 50% of the military pension distributions. If you or your spouse is a military member please do not use this brief summary as an advice guide. Every case is different. Seek the […]
Top 15 Tampa Military Divorce Mistakes (Part 6)
Counting Down to #11 in Military Divorce Mistakes In “Part 5” of military divorce mistakes, I talked about exchanging assets for pension distributions. If you or your spouse is a military member please do not use this brief summary as an advice guide. Every case is different. Seek the advice of an experienced family divorce […]
Top 15 Tampa Military Divorce Mistakes (Part 5)
Counting Down to #10 in Military Divorce Mistakes In “Part 4” of Military Divorce Mistakes, I brushed over pension distribution and formulas with mistakes #8 and #9 of the countdown. If you or your spouse is a military member please do not use this brief summary as an advice guide. Every case is different. Seek […]
Top 15 Tampa Military Divorce Mistakes (Part 2)
Continuing the Military Divorce Mistakes Countdown to #5 & #6 Last time, in “Part 1” of this blog, I started with the top four mistakes I often times see clients make with their military divorce before seeking the advice of an experienced family divorce attorney. Today, I’ll continue going down the list of definite “don’ts” […]
Relocation: Child Custody Rights and Responsibilities (Part 2)
Child Custody: Responsibilities When You Are In Agreement In part one of this post, I talked about the steps you need to take if your ex-partner is in agreement with relocating your children. As you know, a verbal agreement is not sufficient as a legal and binding relocation agreement, even if you are the majority […]
Modifying and Enforcing Your Dissolution of Marriage Agreement (Part 2)
View part 1 of this post here. Enforcement: The Aftermath of Your Divorce There are many situations that can occur to make you consider legal enforcement of your dissolution of marriage decree. Most people think only those whose ex is avoiding the payment of child support need the services of a top divorce lawyer to help […]
Modifying and Enforcing Your Divorce Agreement (Part 1)
When Can You Modify a Final Judgment or Order? In Florida, you can request that a dissolution of marriage final judgment be modified by agreement or by court action for many reasons. Maybe you want to relocate with your children out of state, or maybe the loss of a job requires you to ask the courts for […]