Having practiced family law for 35 continuous years in Tampa, David Anton, Esq. of the Anton Legal Group has considerable experience working with military divorces. MacDill Air Force Base has comprised a significant part of the Tampa Bay areas population and economy for many years. When many bases were either reduced or closed during the initial post-cold war era, MacDill Air Force Base was expanded. It now houses the famed Central Command and many other significant military assets. MacDill’s unique inventory provides Tampa with a large contingent of officers and other soldiers with significant retirement benefits and disability rankings. These retirement packages are often the most valuable asset in a military soldier’s or families divorce. Our base also spawns many unique child timesharing issues with so many of our soldiers traveling abroad. Unfortunately, the significant stress associated with the last decade’s continuous missions has had an adverse affect on our devoted military families.
Whether it be timesharing with children, the division of pensions or disability pay, the Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act, or any other of the many unique issues facing military families, the Anton Legal Group is available to assist you and your family in its time of need.
Contact Tampa Military Divorce Lawyers
If you have any questions regarding your divorce, and you are an active or former military member, or your spouse is an active or former military member, then please call us at (813) 443‑5249 to discuss your situation.