Divorce actions which involve real estate portfolios present special challenges for both clients and their attorneys. Real estate portfolio owners need an attorney with a fundamental understanding of the realities of real estate investing. In addition to owning his own law firm, Mr. Anton has been an owner and the president of Cigar City Investment Company which has developed and managed numerous local parcels of real estate since 1986. Mr. Anton earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Florida in 1981 with a major in Economics and an emphasis on accounting. His own real estate company successfully survived the historic Florida real estate market crash of the last decade, and he has successfully maneuvered numerous real estate owners through family law cases which were dramatically impacted by this market crash. He has a good understanding of cash flow, net value, taxes, depreciation, phantom income, costs of sale, business entities, minority interests, financing, market timing, and the like. Should you be involved in a divorce wherein your family is the owner, in whole or in part, of a real estate portfolio, then Mr. Anton has the special skills and experience needed to assess and manage your divorce case.
Because local real estate investors are often generally aware of each other, over the last 30 years David Anton has been retained to represent many local divorcing real estate portfolio owners. He has thus acquired considerable experience and expertise in the niche capability of successfully guiding these portfolio owners through their divorce actions.
To the extent that outside experts are needed to administer your case, Mr. Anton has access to the experienced forensic accountants, appraisers and others professionals that might be needed.
It is at the initial divorce consultation that you conduct a preliminary interview and analysis concerning your particular real estate and divorce needs. It is at this no obligation initial divorce consultation when real estate portfolio owners and the attorney can assess each other for qualifications and compatibilities.
In the world of business, sometimes timing and the making of a crucial decision at a critical time can make the difference between long term success and failure. You may now be at the crossroads of one of those critical times when a very important decision must be made. Arrange a consultation now, come prepared, and become equipped to analyze your options and proceed accordingly.
Call the Anton Legal Group today to schedule your initial divorce case analysis at (813) 443‑5249.