In general, in Florida, grandparents have no rights to time sharing, visitation, or custody for minor children. Anytime that they spend with the minor children need to be piggy backed on those rights provided to their children. However, there is an exception. If both of the parents of children are found to be unfit in […]
In general, grandparents have no rights when it comes to time-sharing for minor children. Those rights are reserved to the parents. If grandparents are going to spend time with the minor children, they will need to piggyback those rights with the rights awarded to their children. However, sometimes you have a situation where a parent, […]
In general, in Florida, grandparents do not have rights of custody and visitation to minor children. Those rights are reserved exclusively to the parents of the children. As such, if a grandparent is to spend time with the child, they are going to have to do that by piggybacking upon the rights provided to their […]