The Stockbroker Scam That Almost Got My Mother!

You know the emails. We all get them. Shouting at the top of their keyboard lungs, “The Biggest Revelation Since the Internet!” They claim gloom and doom for everyone else, and amazing profits for you if you are only smart enough to get in on the deal before it’s too late. Like me, when you […]

Grandparents: Your visitation rights when the parents are divorcing

Most states have passed laws regulating the visitation rights of a grandparent (or great-grandparent). Unfortunately, most of that legislation gets repealed or stricken due to the idea that those laws infringe on the rights of the parents. So, as a grandparent, do you have any rights at all? The answer is “Yes!” Under certain circumstances, […]

Structured Products- Protect your self

A large part of securities arbitration disputes concerns fraudulent products which are both assembled and marketed by brokerage firms to their unsuspecting clientele.  These fraudulent products are often what are referred to as “structured products”.   A structured product, is generally a pre-packaged investment strategy based on derivatives, such as a single security, a basket of securities, options, indices, commodities, debt issuance and/or […]

Churning and Excessive Trading

As we continue to explore the many faces of securities fraud, we turn our attention to an age old practice called churning. According to the Securities and Exchange Commission, churning is defined as excessive buying and selling of securities by your broker, to generate commissions without regard for your investment objectives.[1] You may have also […]

Divorce Process

As no two relationships are exactly alike, the same rule applies to divorces. Divorce is very complicated, each one unique with its own set of circumstances. As a Qualified Divorce Attorney for the Anton Legal Group, it is my experience that when couples have invested all their energies into making the relationship work, they often […]

Selling Away

Cases of “selling away” by investment brokers are on the rise. Selling away is the illegal practice of a stock broker soliciting the sale of securities that are not offered or authorized by the broker-dealer firm. Solicitations by the rogue broker may include a number of investment vehicles, unusually offering higher returns than traditional securities. […]

What is collaborative divorce?

What is collaborative divorce? Collaborative divorce is a method of divorce that takes place outside the courtroom. Each party hires a Certified Collaborative Family Law Attorney and signs an agreement (Collaborative Law Agreement) vowing to negotiate an amicable and respectful solution. Both family law attorneys and other professionals; accountants, therapist, etc…, may be involved in […]

Prenuptial Agreement

Prenuptial agreements, otherwise referred to as premarital agreements, always seem like a sticky subject to bring up between couples who are recently engaged to be married. However, prenuptial agreements are very useful tools that can protect both parties interest if the contract should ever be executed. A prenuptial agreement is defined as a written agreement […]