How can I recover money lost due to investment negligence or abuse?

When an investor initially enters into a relationship with a financial advisor a lot of paperwork is signed. That paperwork almost always includes a required arbitration agreement. As such, if there is a dispute between the investor and their advisor, they have agreed that they will proceed to resolve that dispute through a FINRA Arbitration […]

Does FINRA arbitration allow for multiple claimants in one case?

FINRA arbitration does allow for multiple claim incidents in one case, but only in very limited circumstances. Typically, husbands and wives together, bring an arbitration action. Sometimes, they bring it with their minor children, who may have trusts. Sometimes, maybe even another family member that shares in the joint ownership of the account that went […]

What obligations does my stockbroker owe me?

A stock broker owes you a wide variety of obligations, well beyond the scope of a short discussion. However, in general, a stock broker or financial advisor owes their client the duty of honesty and fair dealing. How that applies to your particular facts will depend upon those particular facts. The best way to understand […]

What is the statute of limitations on bringing a securities fraud claim?

The statute of limitations concerning a securities fraud claim being brought through FINRA is really a moving target. It is less precise than the concept of a statute of limitations when going through traditional litigation in the court system. That aside, a statute of limitations will depend upon the facts. They can be as short […]

What is the eligibility rule, in reference to arbitration?

The eligibility rule in reference to FINRA arbitration actions concerns whether or not your particular grievance is eligible to be determined by the FINRA organization through arbitration. They don’t decide all types of actions, only those which come within their purview. It is typically though used when it comes to the concept of a statute […]